So, what can you do with Attiny’s 5 i/o pins?
UPDATE: New game, “UFO Escape” side scroller
I saw this great Attiny OLED project on and decided to try out the screen (It will be very handy as a mode display for a remote for my project)
So I set out to make myself familiar with the screen and make something fun in the process. I made a remix of the classic breakout game, here is a video of the gameplay:
Parts required:
- Attiny85 + dip8 socket
- SSD1306 OLED screen
- 2x push buttons
- 2x resistors (10kOhm optimal)
- 3x4cm copper clad board
- Piezo speaker
- 3V 2032 coin cell battery
- Paper clip
So first of all you want to create the PCB, to do this just design the layout (printable pcb pdf)
Print the design on a page from a glossy magazine with a laser printer and use an iron or a laminator to transfer the design to the copper. Put the PCB into ferric chloride until the copper is etched away
Clean off the toner with acetone:
Drill the holes and solder the parts. The speaker is soldered to PB1 pin on the attiny and ground. Connect the large ground pads with a bit of wire. Bend and solder the paper clip to keep the battery in place.
3D print the case from Thingiverse
Program the attiny85 with the code and enjoy:
/* 2014 * Breakout game by Ilya Titov. Find building instructions on * The code that does not fall under the licenses of sources listed below can be used non commercially with attribution. * * If you have problems uploading this sketch, this is probably due to sketch size - you need to update ld.exe in arduino\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin * * * This sketch is using the screen control and font functions written by Neven Boyanov for the project * Source code and font files available at: * * Sleep code is based on this blog post by Matthew Little: * */ #include <EEPROM.h> #include "font6x8.h" #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> // needed for the additional interrupt volatile byte player = 0; //0 to 128-platformWidth - this is the position of the bounce platform byte platformWidth = 16; byte ballx = 62; // coordinate of the ball byte bally = 50; // coordinate of the ball int vdir = -1; // vertical direction and step distance int hdir = -1; // horizontal direction and step distance long lastFrame = 0; // time since the screen was updated last boolean row1[16]; // on-off array of blocks boolean row2[16]; boolean row3[16]; int score = 0; // score - counts the number of blocks hit and resets the array above when devisible by 48(total blocks) ISR(PCINT0_vect){ // PB0 pin button interrupt if (player >0){player--;} return; } void playerInc(){ // PB2 pin button interrupt if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;} } void setup() { resetGame(); DDRB = 0b00000010; // set PB1 as output (for the speaker) PCMSK = 0b00000001; // pin change mask: listen to portb bit 1 GIMSK |= 0b00100000; // enable PCINT interrupt sei(); // enable all interrupts attachInterrupt(0,playerInc,CHANGE); lastFrame = millis(); } void loop() { delay(40); noInterrupts(); ssd1306_init(); ssd1306_fillscreen(0x00); ssd1306_char_f6x8(16, 4, "B R E A K O U T"); ssd1306_char_f6x8(20, 6, ""); beep(200,600); beep(300,200); beep(400,300); delay(2000); while (1==1) { // continue moving after the interrupt if (digitalRead(2)==1){if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;} if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;} if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;}} if (digitalRead(0)==1){if (player >0){player--;} if (player >0){player--;} if (player >0){player--;}} // bounce off the sides of the screen if ((bally+vdir<54&&vdir==1)||(bally-vdir>1&&vdir==-1)){bally+=vdir;}else {vdir = vdir*-1;} if ((ballx+hdir<127&&hdir==1)||(ballx-hdir>1&&hdir==-1)){ballx+=hdir;}else {hdir = hdir*-1;} // frame actions if (lastFrame+10<millis()){ if(bally>10&&bally+vdir>=54&&(ballx<player||ballx>player+platformWidth)){ // game over if the ball misses the platform int topScore =; topScore = topScore << 8; topScore = topScore |; if (score>topScore){topScore = score; EEPROM.write(1,topScore & 0xFF); EEPROM.write(0,(topScore>>8) & 0xFF); } ssd1306_fillscreen(0x00); ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 3, "Game Over"); ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 5, "score:"); char temp[4] = {0,0,0,0}; itoa(score,temp,10); ssd1306_char_f6x8(70, 5, temp); ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 6, "top score:"); itoa(topScore,temp,10); ssd1306_char_f6x8(90, 6, temp); for (int i = 0; i<1000; i++){ beep(1,random(0,i*2)); } delay(1000); system_sleep(); resetGame(); }else if (ballx<player+platformWidth/2&&bally>10&&bally+vdir>=54){ // if the ball hits left of the platform bounce left hdir=-1; beep(20,600); }else if (ballx>player+platformWidth/2&&bally>10&&bally+vdir>=54){ // if the ball hits right of the platform bounce right hdir=1; beep(20,600); }else if (bally+vdir>=54){ hdir=1; beep(20,600); } collisionCheck: // go back to here if a collision was detected to prevent flying through a rigid if (floor((bally+vdir)/8)==2){ if (row3[ballx/8]==1){row3[ballx/8]=0; score++; collision(); goto collisionCheck; // check collision for the new direction to prevent flying through a rigid } }else if (floor((bally+vdir)/8)==1){ if (row2[ballx/8]==1){row2[ballx/8]=0; score++; collision(); goto collisionCheck; } }else if (floor((bally+vdir)/8)==0){ if (row1[ballx/8]==1){row1[ballx/8]=0; score++; collision(); goto collisionCheck; } } // reset blocks if all have been hit if (score%48==0){ for (byte i =0; i<16;i++){ row1[i]=1; row2[i]=1; row3[i]=1; } } } // update whats on the screen noInterrupts(); // blocks ssd1306_setpos(0,0); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (int bl = 0; bl <16; bl++){ if(row1[bl]==1){ sendBlock(1); }else { sendBlock(0); } } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(0,1); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (int bl = 0; bl <16; bl++){ if(row2[bl]==1){ sendBlock(1); }else { sendBlock(0); } } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(0,2); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (int bl = 0; bl <16; bl++){ if(row3[bl]==1){ sendBlock(1); }else { sendBlock(0); } } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); // clear area below the blocks ssd1306_setpos(0,3); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(0,4); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(0,5); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(0,6); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(0,7); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); // draw ball ssd1306_setpos(ballx,bally/8); uint8_t temp = B00000001; ssd1306_send_data_start(); temp = temp << bally%8+1; ssd1306_send_byte(temp); ssd1306_send_data_stop(); drawPlatform(); interrupts(); // } } void resetGame(){ ssd1306_char_f6x8(16, 4, "B R E A K O U T"); ssd1306_char_f6x8(20, 6, ""); beep(200,600); beep(300,200); beep(400,300); delay(2000); for (byte i =0; i<16;i++){ // reset blocks row1[i]=1; row2[i]=1; row3[i]=1; } platformWidth = 16; ballx = 64; bally = 50; hdir = -1; vdir = -1; score = 0; player = random(0,128-platformWidth); ballx = player+platformWidth/2; } void collision(){ // the collsision check is actually done befor this is called, this code works out where the ball will bounce if ((bally+vdir)%8==7&&(ballx+hdir)%8==7){ // bottom right corner if (vdir==1){hdir=1;}else if(vdir==-1&&hdir==1){vdir=1;}else {hdir=1;vdir=1;} }else if ((bally+vdir)%8==7&&(ballx+hdir)%8==0){ // bottom left corner if (vdir==1){hdir=-1;}else if(vdir==-1&&hdir==-1){vdir=1;}else {hdir=-1;vdir=1;} }else if ((bally+vdir)%8==0&&(ballx+hdir)%8==0){ // top left corner if (vdir==-1){hdir=-1;}else if(vdir==1&&hdir==-1){vdir=-1;}else {hdir=-1;vdir=-1;} }else if ((bally+vdir)%8==0&&(ballx+hdir)%8==7){ // top right corner if (vdir==-1){hdir=1;}else if(vdir==1&&hdir==1){vdir=-1;}else {hdir=1;vdir=-1;} }else if ((bally+vdir)%8==7){ // bottom side vdir = 1; }else if ((bally+vdir)%8==0){ // top side vdir = -1; }else if ((ballx+hdir)%8==7){ // right side hdir = 1; }else if ((ballx+hdir)%8==0){ // left side hdir = -1; }else { hdir = hdir*-1; vdir = vdir*-1; } beep(30,300); } void drawPlatform(){ noInterrupts(); ssd1306_setpos(player,7); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for (byte pw = 1; pw <platformWidth; pw++){ssd1306_send_byte(B00000011);} ssd1306_send_data_stop(); interrupts(); } void sendBlock(boolean fill){ if (fill==1){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B01111110); ssd1306_send_byte(B01111110); ssd1306_send_byte(B01111110); ssd1306_send_byte(B01111110); ssd1306_send_byte(B01111110); ssd1306_send_byte(B01111110); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); }else { ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); } } void beep(int bCount,int bDelay){ for (int i = 0; i<=bCount; i++){digitalWrite(1,HIGH);for(int i2=0; i2<bDelay; i2++){__asm__("nop\n\t");}digitalWrite(1,LOW);for(int i2=0; i2<bDelay; i2++){__asm__("nop\n\t");}} } #define DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(PORT) PORTB |= (1 << PORT) #define DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(PORT) PORTB &= ~(1 << PORT) // Some code based on "IIC_wtihout_ACK" by #ifndef SSD1306XLED_H #define SSD1306XLED_H // --------------------- // Vcc, Pin 1 on SSD1306 Board // --------------------- // GND, Pin 2 on SSD1306 Board #ifndef SSD1306_SCL #define SSD1306_SCL PB3 // SCL, Pin 3 on SSD1306 Board #endif #ifndef SSD1306_SDA #define SSD1306_SDA PB4 // SDA, Pin 4 on SSD1306 Board #endif #ifndef SSD1306_SA #define SSD1306_SA 0x78 // Slave address #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ssd1306_init(void); void ssd1306_xfer_start(void); void ssd1306_xfer_stop(void); void ssd1306_send_byte(uint8_t byte); void ssd1306_send_command(uint8_t command); void ssd1306_send_data_start(void); void ssd1306_send_data_stop(void); void ssd1306_setpos(uint8_t x, uint8_t y); void ssd1306_fillscreen(uint8_t fill_Data); void ssd1306_char_f6x8(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char ch[]); //void ssd1306_char_f8x16(uint8_t x, uint8_t y,const char ch[]); //void ssd1306_char_f16x16(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t N); void ssd1306_draw_bmp(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t bitmap[]); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif void ssd1306_init(void){ DDRB |= (1 << SSD1306_SDA); // Set port as output DDRB |= (1 << SSD1306_SCL); // Set port as output ssd1306_send_command(0xAE); // display off ssd1306_send_command(0x00); // Set Memory Addressing Mode ssd1306_send_command(0x10); // 00,Horizontal Addressing Mode;01,Vertical Addressing Mode;10,Page Addressing Mode (RESET);11,Invalid ssd1306_send_command(0x40); // Set Page Start Address for Page Addressing Mode,0-7 ssd1306_send_command(0x81); // Set COM Output Scan Direction ssd1306_send_command(0xCF); // ---set low column address ssd1306_send_command(0xA1); // ---set high column address ssd1306_send_command(0xC8); // --set start line address ssd1306_send_command(0xA6); // --set contrast control register ssd1306_send_command(0xA8); ssd1306_send_command(0x3F); // --set segment re-map 0 to 127 ssd1306_send_command(0xD3); // --set normal display ssd1306_send_command(0x00); // --set multiplex ratio(1 to 64) ssd1306_send_command(0xD5); // ssd1306_send_command(0x80); // 0xa4,Output follows RAM content;0xa5,Output ignores RAM content ssd1306_send_command(0xD9); // -set display offset ssd1306_send_command(0xF1); // -not offset ssd1306_send_command(0xDA); // --set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency ssd1306_send_command(0x12); // --set divide ratio ssd1306_send_command(0xDB); // --set pre-charge period ssd1306_send_command(0x40); // ssd1306_send_command(0x20); // --set com pins hardware configuration ssd1306_send_command(0x02); ssd1306_send_command(0x8D); // --set vcomh ssd1306_send_command(0x14); // 0x20,0.77xVcc ssd1306_send_command(0xA4); // --set DC-DC enable ssd1306_send_command(0xA6); // ssd1306_send_command(0xAF); // --turn on oled panel } void ssd1306_xfer_start(void){ DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to HIGH DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to HIGH DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to LOW DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to LOW } void ssd1306_xfer_stop(void){ DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to LOW DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to LOW DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to HIGH DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to HIGH } void ssd1306_send_byte(uint8_t byte){ uint8_t i; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { if((byte << i) & 0x80) DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); else DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); } DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); } void ssd1306_send_command(uint8_t command){ ssd1306_xfer_start(); ssd1306_send_byte(SSD1306_SA); // Slave address, SA0=0 ssd1306_send_byte(0x00); // write command ssd1306_send_byte(command); ssd1306_xfer_stop(); } void ssd1306_send_data_start(void){ ssd1306_xfer_start(); ssd1306_send_byte(SSD1306_SA); ssd1306_send_byte(0x40); //write data } void ssd1306_send_data_stop(void){ ssd1306_xfer_stop(); } void ssd1306_setpos(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { ssd1306_xfer_start(); ssd1306_send_byte(SSD1306_SA); //Slave address,SA0=0 ssd1306_send_byte(0x00); //write command ssd1306_send_byte(0xb0+y); ssd1306_send_byte(((x&0xf0)>>4)|0x10); // |0x10 ssd1306_send_byte((x&0x0f)|0x01); // |0x01 ssd1306_xfer_stop(); } void ssd1306_fillscreen(uint8_t fill_Data){ uint8_t m,n; for(m=0;m<8;m++) { ssd1306_send_command(0xb0+m); //page0-page1 ssd1306_send_command(0x00); //low column start address ssd1306_send_command(0x10); //high column start address ssd1306_send_data_start(); for(n=0;n<128;n++) { ssd1306_send_byte(fill_Data); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); } } void ssd1306_char_f6x8(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char ch[]){ uint8_t c,i,j=0; while(ch[j] != '\0') { c = ch[j] - 32; if(x>126) { x=0; y++; } ssd1306_setpos(x,y); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for(i=0;i<6;i++) { ssd1306_send_byte(pgm_read_byte(&ssd1306xled_font6x8[c*6+i])); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); x += 6; j++; } } // Routines to set and clear bits (used in the sleep code) #ifndef cbi #define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit)) #endif #ifndef sbi #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) #endif void system_sleep() { ssd1306_fillscreen(0x00); ssd1306_send_command(0xAE); cbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter OFF set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // sleep mode is set here sleep_enable(); sleep_mode(); // System actually sleeps here sleep_disable(); // System continues execution here when watchdog timed out sbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter ON ssd1306_send_command(0xAF); }
- Tinusaur OLED control:
- Programming the Attiny85:
- Overcome sketch size issue:
- Sleep the Attiny:
Which library is included before font6x8.h ?
Sorry, just seen this, its the eeprom library, must’ve been stripped out as a tag because of <>
I’m having trouble compiling this. I keep getting ” ‘ssd1306_xxx’ was not declared in this scope” for all the ssd1306_ commands. I notice that one of the #include is blank up there in your code–which library is supposed to be there? I tried #include but got the same problems. When you have a moment, can you clear up that part of your code? Thank you for this fun project!
Sorry, just seen this, its the eeprom library, must’ve been stripped out as a tag because of <>
Thank you for your quick reply! I’m still getting the errors, but I’m trying to figure it out from the tinusaur guide there. We should #include the ssd1306xled libraries too, right? I tried adding ssd1306xled8x16.h and ssd1306xled.h but still have the same problems. Maybe I didn’t put them in the right directory?
Thanks again 🙂
I find that I can generally find a solution on google by searching for the error message you get from the compiler. Another thing to check is that you have the attiny85 board selected as it will not compile under a different board. I can email you my libraries and hardware folders if you want, email me at [email protected]
please “my libraries and hardware folders” [email protected] thank you
Please download from here:
I’m a newbe and I’m having trouble getting the sketch to
compile. also don’t know if the board choice is correct.
I’ve used attiny85’s on a couple of simple led dice projects and I don’t know how to code unfortunately. also can you send me your library and hardware files?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
These are the errors I’m getting:
This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
enabled in File > Preferences.
Arduino: 1.0.6 (Windows NT (unknown)), Board:
“ATtiny85 @ 8 MHz (internal oscillator; BOD disabled)”
attiny85_breakout_game_1.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
attiny85_breakout_game_1:52: error: ‘ssd1306_char_f6x8’ was not declared in this scope
attiny85_breakout_game_1.ino: In function ‘void resetGame()’:
attiny85_breakout_game_1:196: error: ‘ssd1306_char_f6x8’ was not declared in this scope
attiny85_breakout_game_1.ino: In function ‘void ssd1306_send_command(uint8_t)’:
attiny85_breakout_game_1:355: error: ‘x’ was not declared in this scope
I need your help to fix the code!
/* 2014
* Breakout game by Ilya Titov. Find building instructions on
* The code that does not fall under the licenses of sources listed below can be used non commercially with attribution.
* If you have problems uploading this sketch, this is probably due to sketch size – you need to update ld.exe in arduino\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin
* This sketch is using the screen control and font functions written by Neven Boyanov for the project
* Source code and font files available at:
* Sleep code is based on this blog post by Matthew Little:
#include // needed for the additional interrupt
volatile byte player = 0; //0 to 128-platformWidth – this is the position of the bounce platform
byte platformWidth = 16;
byte ballx = 62; // coordinate of the ball
byte bally = 50; // coordinate of the ball
int vdir = -1; // vertical direction and step distance
int hdir = -1; // horizontal direction and step distance
long lastFrame = 0; // time since the screen was updated last
boolean row1[16]; // on-off array of blocks
boolean row2[16];
boolean row3[16];
int score = 0; // score – counts the number of blocks hit and resets the array above when devisible by 48(total blocks)
ISR(PCINT0_vect){ // PB0 pin button interrupt
if (player >0){player–;}
void playerInc(){ // PB2 pin button interrupt
if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;}
void setup() {
DDRB = 0b00000010; // set PB1 as output (for the speaker)
PCMSK = 0b00000001; // pin change mask: listen to portb bit 1
GIMSK |= 0b00100000; // enable PCINT interrupt
sei(); // enable all interrupts
lastFrame = millis();
void loop() {
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(16, 4, "B R E A K O U T");
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(20, 6, "");
beep(200,600); beep(300,200); beep(400,300);
while (1==1) {
// continue moving after the interrupt
if (digitalRead(2)==1){if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;} if (player <128-platformWidth){player++;} if (player 0){player–;} if (player >0){player–;} if (player >0){player–;}}
// bounce off the sides of the screen
if ((bally+vdir1&&vdir==-1)){bally+=vdir;}else {vdir = vdir*-1;}
if ((ballx+hdir1&&hdir==-1)){ballx+=hdir;}else {hdir = hdir*-1;}
// frame actions
if (lastFrame+1010&&bally+vdir>=54&&(ballxplayer+platformWidth)){ // game over if the ball misses the platform
int topScore =;
topScore = topScore <topScore){topScore = score; EEPROM.write(1,topScore & 0xFF); EEPROM.write(0,(topScore>>8) & 0xFF); }
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(32, 3, “Game Over”);
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(32, 5, “score:”);
char temp[4] = {0,0,0,0};
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(70, 5, temp);
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(32, 6, “top score:”);
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(90, 6, temp);
for (int i = 0; i<1000; i++){
}else if (ballx10&&bally+vdir>=54){ // if the ball hits left of the platform bounce left
hdir=-1; beep(20,600);
}else if (ballx>player+platformWidth/2&&bally>10&&bally+vdir>=54){ // if the ball hits right of the platform bounce right
hdir=1; beep(20,600);
}else if (bally+vdir>=54){
hdir=1; beep(20,600);
collisionCheck: // go back to here if a collision was detected to prevent flying through a rigid
if (floor((bally+vdir)/8)==2){
if (row3[ballx/8]==1){row3[ballx/8]=0; score++;
collision(); goto collisionCheck; // check collision for the new direction to prevent flying through a rigid
}else if (floor((bally+vdir)/8)==1){
if (row2[ballx/8]==1){row2[ballx/8]=0; score++;
collision(); goto collisionCheck;
}else if (floor((bally+vdir)/8)==0){
if (row1[ballx/8]==1){row1[ballx/8]=0; score++;
collision(); goto collisionCheck;
// reset blocks if all have been hit
if (score%48==0){
for (byte i =0; i<16;i++){
row1[i]=1; row2[i]=1; row3[i]=1;
// update whats on the screen
// blocks
for (int bl = 0; bl <16; bl++){
}else {
for (int bl = 0; bl <16; bl++){
}else {
for (int bl = 0; bl <16; bl++){
}else {
// clear area below the blocks
for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){
for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){
for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){
for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){
for (byte i =0; i<128; i++){
// draw ball
uint8_t temp = B00000001;
temp = temp << bally%8+1;
void resetGame(){
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(16, 4, "B R E A K O U T");
SSD1306.ssd1306_char_f8x16(20, 6, "");
beep(200,600); beep(300,200); beep(400,300);
for (byte i =0; i<16;i++){ // reset blocks
row1[i]=1; row2[i]=1; row3[i]=1;
platformWidth = 16;
ballx = 64;
bally = 50;
hdir = -1;
vdir = -1;
score = 0;
player = random(0,128-platformWidth);
ballx = player+platformWidth/2;
void collision(){ // the collsision check is actually done befor this is called, this code works out where the ball will bounce
if ((bally+vdir)%8==7&&(ballx+hdir)%8==7){ // bottom right corner
if (vdir==1){hdir=1;}else if(vdir==-1&&hdir==1){vdir=1;}else {hdir=1;vdir=1;}
}else if ((bally+vdir)%8==7&&(ballx+hdir)%8==0){ // bottom left corner
if (vdir==1){hdir=-1;}else if(vdir==-1&&hdir==-1){vdir=1;}else {hdir=-1;vdir=1;}
}else if ((bally+vdir)%8==0&&(ballx+hdir)%8==0){ // top left corner
if (vdir==-1){hdir=-1;}else if(vdir==1&&hdir==-1){vdir=-1;}else {hdir=-1;vdir=-1;}
}else if ((bally+vdir)%8==0&&(ballx+hdir)%8==7){ // top right corner
if (vdir==-1){hdir=1;}else if(vdir==1&&hdir==1){vdir=-1;}else {hdir=1;vdir=-1;}
}else if ((bally+vdir)%8==7){ // bottom side
vdir = 1;
}else if ((bally+vdir)%8==0){ // top side
vdir = -1;
}else if ((ballx+hdir)%8==7){ // right side
hdir = 1;
}else if ((ballx+hdir)%8==0){ // left side
hdir = -1;
}else {
hdir = hdir*-1; vdir = vdir*-1;
void drawPlatform(){
for (byte pw = 1; pw <platformWidth; pw++){SSD1306.ssd1306_send_byte(B00000011);}
void sendBlock(boolean fill){
if (fill==1){
}else {
void beep(int bCount,int bDelay){
for (int i = 0; i<=bCount; i++){digitalWrite(1,HIGH);for(int i2=0; i2<bDelay; i2++){__asm__("nop\n\t");}digitalWrite(1,LOW);for(int i2=0; i2<bDelay; i2++){__asm__("nop\n\t");}}
// Routines to set and clear bits (used in the sleep code)
#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#ifndef sbi
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
void system_sleep() {
cbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter OFF
set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // sleep mode is set here
sleep_mode(); // System actually sleeps here
sleep_disable(); // System continues execution here when watchdog timed out
sbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter ON
Is it pissible to use a nokia 5110 lcd display insted of SSD1306 OLED screen.
Hi, I’m not sure, you will have to look up the specs for the screen and adopt the code.
i don’t really know as well, but i guess if you want to use a 5110 display, then you should switch to a more powerful uController, i guess a AtMega328 would do perfect for that.
Hope i could help 🙂
Why is the game running so slow???
Make sure you use the 8 mhz bootloader on the Attiny85
I would be interested in getting one of your kits if you make them available. Nice job!
Hi Dylan, I don’t currently have any kits available unfortunately. I’m hoping to make a larger batch at some point, meanwhile you can make one using the files and instructions provided.
Hi Ilya, congratulations! It is a outstanding project.
I have almost same OLED display, but doesn’t have I2C communication, it uses SPI (four communications pins, plus clearscreen and VCC/GND pins).
My question: there is some easy form to convert the communication sections from your code to adapt to SPI display?
Once more, congratulations!
Thank you Jaldomir, unfortunately there are not enough pins on the attiny85 for the SPI screen + 2 buttons + speaker so there is not an east fix. You could look up reference sheet for your screen and use a microcontroller with more pins but you would have to modify the code
Excellent work ilya 🙂
I’m trying to print the pcb from your pdf, but the results aren’t good. My laser printer on Xubuntu print the blak traces in gray, so use the print for toner transfer is almost impossible. Can you provide the kicad files? From Kikad I can print the pcbs in solid black, maybe the cause is the printer driver..
Thanks a lot, Mirko 🙂
Hi Mirko, the board was created in a different tool (pcb creator), you should be able to change the print settings via the printer driver. Make sure to turn off any toner saving options.
Thanks, it was the printer’s driver (sorry Samsung, I’m not so ECO, lol).
Now I must how to fix the infamous library error:
“ssd1306_char_f6x8′ was not declared in this scope”
Hi, could you please send me the HEX file with the code and programming fuses? I can not make it out of the text … Thank Radek
hello Ilya,
I,ve tried to download a couple of your sketches using the attiny85 as a pocket game. I think they’re very cool.
First of all I’m not a programmer( I wish), I’m a 69 year tinkerer and love to make things. Anyway I need your help if you don’t mind. here’s the error report for the above sketch. I have installed all the libraries needed.
This report would have more information with
“Show verbose output during compilation”
enabled in File > Preferences.
Arduino: 1.0.6 (Windows NT (unknown)), Board: “ATtiny85 @ 8 MHz (internal oscillator; BOD disabled)”
sketch_sep03a.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
sketch_sep03a:50: error: ‘ssd1306_init’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:51: error: ‘ssd1306_fillscreen’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:52: error: ‘ssd1306_char_f6x8’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:118: error: ‘ssd1306_setpos’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:119: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_start’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:127: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_stop’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:153: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:159: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:165: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:171: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:177: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:186: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a.ino: In function ‘void resetGame()’:
sketch_sep03a:196: error: ‘ssd1306_char_f6x8’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a.ino: In function ‘void drawPlatform()’:
sketch_sep03a:239: error: ‘ssd1306_setpos’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:240: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_start’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:241: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:242: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_stop’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a.ino: In function ‘void sendBlock(boolean)’:
sketch_sep03a:247: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a:256: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_sep03a.ino: In function ‘void ssd1306_send_command(uint8_t)’:
sketch_sep03a:355: error: ‘x’ was not declared in this scope
Hi Ron, sorry about the delay, it looks like you are missing the library for controlling the screen.
There are my library folders for use with Arduino 1.0 you can find here:
I tried for several days, I am a newb when it comes to programming but I was still able to do most builds through instructions, but this time I am failing and failing and seem that I cant find the right libraries for arduino IDE I really wanted to make this so hard but I give up I am so frustrated right now I cant even describe, I printed the case did everything but I am to dumb to do it.
Here is a link to a working arduino with all the libs and hardware folders:
Hi ilya,
do I need run arduino 1.0 ide to make this work?
I run 1.8 and I get the sketch to compile and download, but nothing works/shows on the screen???
all connections have been verified many times per your schematic drwg.
please advise, much thanks.