UPDATE: assembly instructions
I finally had some free time to make something fun and decided to write a new game for the Attiny85 ssd1306 keychain. I reused the sleep, display and interrupts code from the “Breakout” game I created a while ago.
This time I wanted a more addictive game. The game had to be playable using just the two buttons. I thought a racing game might be a good choice but the landscape screen is more suitable for a side-scroller. So I settled for an obstacle avoiding side scroller. Similar games include the recent Flappy Bird, Nyan Cat and many variations of the Helicopter game.
The flying saucer is propelled with the left button while the right button is used to shoot through force fields. The game gets harder as you play:
/* 2015 * UFO Escape game by Ilya Titov. Find building instructions on http://webboggles.com/ * The code that does not fall under the licenses of sources listed below can be used non commercially with attribution. * * If you have problems uploading this sketch, this is probably due to sketch size - you need to update ld.exe in arduino\hardware\tools\avr\avr\bin * https://github.com/TCWORLD/ATTinyCore/tree/master/PCREL%20Patch%20for%20GCC * * This sketch is using the screen control and font functions written by Neven Boyanov for the http://tinusaur.wordpress.com/ project * Source code and font files available at: https://bitbucket.org/tinusaur/ssd1306xled * * Sleep code is based on this blog post by Matthew Little: * http://www.re-innovation.co.uk/web12/index.php/en/blog-75/306-sleep-modes-on-attiny85 */ #include <EEPROM.h> #include "font6x8.h" #include <avr/sleep.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> // needed for the additional interrupt boolean stopAnimate = 0; // this is set to 1 when a collision is detected int maxObstacles = 1; // this defines the max number of in game obstacles int obstacleStep = 1; // pixel step of obstacles per frame int obstacle[9] = {-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50,-50}; // x offset of the obstacle default position, out of view int gapOffset[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // y offset of the fly-through gap int gapSize[9]; // y height of the gap byte maxGap = 60; // max height of the gap int stepsSinceLastObstacle = 0; // so obstacles are not too close byte gapBlock[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // if the fly-through gap is closed byte blockChance = 0; // this higher value decreases the likelihood of gap being closed boolean fire = 0; // set to 1 when the fire interrupt is triggered byte fireCount = 0; // the shot is persistent for several frames byte playerOffset = 0; // y offset of the top of the player byte flames = 0; // this is set to 1 when the move up interrupt is triggered byte flameMask[2]={B00111111,B11111111}; // this is used to only show the flame part of the icon when moving up int score = 0; // score - this affects the difficulty of the game ISR(PCINT0_vect){ // PB0 pin button interrupt //if (playerOffset >1&&stopAnimate==0){playerOffset-=1;} // for debounce, the movement is in the main loop// return; } void playerInc(){ // PB2 pin button interrupt fire = 1; fireCount = 5; // number of frames the shot will persist } void setup() { resetGame(); DDRB = 0b00000010; // set PB1 as output (for the speaker) PCMSK = 0b00000001; // pin change mask: listen to portb bit 1 GIMSK |= 0b00100000; // enable PCINT interrupt sei(); // enable all interrupts attachInterrupt(0,playerInc,RISING); } void loop() { delay(40); noInterrupts(); ssd1306_init(); ssd1306_fillscreen(0x00); ssd1306_char_f6x8(16, 4, "U F O E S C A P E"); ssd1306_char_f6x8(20, 6, "webboggles.com"); beep(200,600); beep(300,200); beep(400,300); delay(2000); while (1==1) { //update game vars to make it harder to play if (score < 500){blockChance = 11-score/50; maxObstacles=score/70+1;} if (score > 130){obstacleStep = 2;} if (score < 2000){maxGap = 60-score/100;} if (fire == 1){score--;} if (fireCount>0){fireCount--;} if (digitalRead(0)==1){if (playerOffset >0 && stopAnimate==0){playerOffset--; flames = 1; // move player up for (int i = 0; i<2; i++){ beep(1,random(0,i*2)); } }} if (digitalRead(0)==1){if (playerOffset >0 && stopAnimate==0){playerOffset--; flames = 1; // move player up for (int i = 0; i<2; i++){ beep(1,random(0,i*2)); } }} if (digitalRead(0)==1){if (playerOffset >0 && stopAnimate==0){playerOffset--; flames = 1; // move player up for (int i = 0; i<2; i++){ beep(1,random(0,i*2)); } }} stepsSinceLastObstacle += obstacleStep; for (byte i = 0; i<maxObstacles;i++){ // fly obstacles if (obstacle[i] >= 0 && obstacle[i] <= 128 && stopAnimate==0){ obstacle[i] -= obstacleStep; if (gapBlock[i]>0 && obstacle[i] < 36 && playerOffset>gapOffset[i] && playerOffset+5<gapOffset[i]+gapSize[i] && fireCount > 0){// gapBlock[i] = 0; score += 5; for (byte cp = 400; cp>0; cp--){ beep(1,cp); } } } if (obstacle[i]<=4 && stepsSinceLastObstacle>=random(30,100)){ // generate new obstacles obstacle[i] = 123; gapSize[i] = random(25,maxGap); gapOffset[i] = random(0,64-gapSize[i]); if (random(0,blockChance)==0){gapBlock[i] = 1;}else {gapBlock[i] = 0;} stepsSinceLastObstacle = 0; score+=1; } } if (playerOffset < 56 && stopAnimate==0){playerOffset++;} // player gravity delay(20/maxObstacles); // controls game speed, more obstacles take longer to be sent to the screen if (stopAnimate==0){ssd1306_clearscreen();} // update whats on the screen noInterrupts(); // Send Obstacle for (byte i = 0; i<maxObstacles;i++){ if (obstacle[i] >= -5 && obstacle[i] <= 128){ // only deal with visible obstacles if (obstacle[i] > 8 && obstacle[i] <16){ // look for collision if obstacle is near the player if (playerOffset < gapOffset[i] || playerOffset+5 > gapOffset[i]+gapSize[i] || gapBlock[i] != 0){ // collision! stopAnimate = 1; int topScore = EEPROM.read(0); topScore = topScore << 8; topScore = topScore | EEPROM.read(1); if (score>topScore){topScore = score; EEPROM.write(1,topScore & 0xFF); EEPROM.write(0,(topScore>>8) & 0xFF); } ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 3, "Game Over"); ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 5, "score:"); char temp[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; itoa(score,temp,10); ssd1306_char_f6x8(70, 5, temp); ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 6, "top score:"); itoa(topScore,temp,10); ssd1306_char_f6x8(90, 6, temp); for (int i = 0; i<1000; i++){ beep(1,random(0,i*2)); } delay(2000); interrupts(); system_sleep(); resetGame(); noInterrupts(); } } for (byte row = 0; row <8; row++){ ssd1306_setpos(obstacle[i],row); ssd1306_send_data_start(); if (obstacle[i]>0&&obstacle[i] < 128){ if ((row+1)*8 - gapOffset[i] <= 8){ // generate obstacle : top and transition byte temp = B11111111>>((row+1)*8 - gapOffset[i]); byte tempB = B00000000; if (gapBlock[i]>0){tempB=B10101010;} ssd1306_send_byte(temp); ssd1306_send_byte(temp|tempB>>1); ssd1306_send_byte(temp|tempB); ssd1306_send_byte(temp); }else if (row*8>=gapOffset[i] && (row+1)*8<=gapOffset[i]+gapSize[i]){ // middle gap byte tempB = B00000000; if (gapBlock[i]>0){tempB=B10101010;} ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000|tempB>>1); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000|tempB); ssd1306_send_byte(B00000000); }else if ((gapOffset[i] +gapSize[i]) >= row*8 && (gapOffset[i] +gapSize[i]) <= (row+1)*8){ // bottom transition //}else if ((gapOffset[i] +gapSize[i]) >= row*8 && (gapOffset[i] +gapSize[i]) <= (row+1)*8){ // bottom transition //byte temp = B11111111<<((gapOffset[i] + gapSize[i])%8); byte temp = B11111111<<((gapOffset[i] + gapSize[i])%8); byte tempB = B00000000; if (gapBlock[i]>0){tempB=B10101010;} ssd1306_send_byte(temp); ssd1306_send_byte(temp|tempB>>1); ssd1306_send_byte(temp|tempB); ssd1306_send_byte(temp); }else { // fill rest of obstacle ssd1306_send_byte(B11111111); ssd1306_send_byte(B11111111); ssd1306_send_byte(B11111111); ssd1306_send_byte(B11111111); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); } } } } if (playerOffset%8!=0){ // overflow the player icon into the next screen row if split ssd1306_setpos(8,playerOffset/8); ssd1306_send_data_start(); if (stopAnimate==0){ ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames])<<playerOffset%8); if (fireCount >0){ for (byte f = 0; f<=24; f++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000100<<playerOffset%8); } ssd1306_send_byte(B00010101<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte(B00001010<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte(B00010101<<playerOffset%8); if (fire==1){beep(50,100);} fire = 0; } }else { ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<<playerOffset%8); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); ssd1306_setpos(8,playerOffset/8+1); ssd1306_send_data_start(); if (stopAnimate==0){ ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames])>>8-playerOffset%8); if (fireCount >0){ for (byte f = 0; f<=24; f++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000100>>8-playerOffset%8); } ssd1306_send_byte(B00010101>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte(B00001010>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte(B00010101>>8-playerOffset%8); if (fire==1){beep(50,100);} fire = 0; } }else { ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01010011&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B10010111&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B01011110&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); }else { ssd1306_setpos(8,playerOffset/8); ssd1306_send_data_start(); if (stopAnimate == 0){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00001100&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B01011110&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B10010111&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B01010011&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B01010011&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B10010111&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B01011110&flameMask[flames]); ssd1306_send_byte(B00001100&flameMask[flames]); if (fireCount >0){ for (byte f = 0; f<=24; f++){ ssd1306_send_byte(B00000100); } ssd1306_send_byte(B00010101); ssd1306_send_byte(B00001010); ssd1306_send_byte(B00010101); if (fire==1){beep(50,100);} fire = 0; } }else { ssd1306_send_byte(B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B01011110&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B10010111&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B01010011&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B01010011&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B10010111&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B01011110&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); ssd1306_send_byte(B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255)); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); } // display score //ssd1306_char_f6x8(32, 8, "score:"); char temp[10] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; itoa(score,temp,10); ssd1306_char_f6x8(92, 0, temp); flames = 0; interrupts(); // if (stopAnimate == 1){ for (int i = 0; i<1000; i++){ beep(1,random(0,i*2)); } delay(2000); system_sleep(); } } } void resetGame(){ ssd1306_char_f6x8(16, 4, "U F O E S C A P E"); ssd1306_char_f6x8(20, 6, "webboggles.com"); beep(200,600); beep(300,200); beep(400,300); delay(2000); stopAnimate = 0; score = 0; maxObstacles = 3; obstacleStep = 2; for (byte i = 0; i<9; i++){ obstacle[i] = -50; gapOffset[i]=0; } stepsSinceLastObstacle = 0; playerOffset = 0; // y offset of the top of the player } void beep(int bCount,int bDelay){ for (int i = 0; i<=bCount; i++){digitalWrite(1,HIGH);for(int i2=0; i2<bDelay; i2++){__asm__("nop\n\t");}digitalWrite(1,LOW);for(int i2=0; i2<bDelay; i2++){__asm__("nop\n\t");}} } #define DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(PORT) PORTB |= (1 << PORT) #define DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(PORT) PORTB &= ~(1 << PORT) // Some code based on "IIC_wtihout_ACK" by http://www.14blog.com/archives/1358 #ifndef SSD1306XLED_H #define SSD1306XLED_H // --------------------- // Vcc, Pin 1 on SSD1306 Board // --------------------- // GND, Pin 2 on SSD1306 Board #ifndef SSD1306_SCL #define SSD1306_SCL PB3 // SCL, Pin 3 on SSD1306 Board #endif #ifndef SSD1306_SDA #define SSD1306_SDA PB4 // SDA, Pin 4 on SSD1306 Board #endif #ifndef SSD1306_SA #define SSD1306_SA 0x78 // Slave address #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ssd1306_init(void); void ssd1306_xfer_start(void); void ssd1306_xfer_stop(void); void ssd1306_send_byte(uint8_t byte); void ssd1306_send_command(uint8_t command); void ssd1306_send_data_start(void); void ssd1306_send_data_stop(void); void ssd1306_setpos(uint8_t x, uint8_t y); void ssd1306_fillscreen(uint8_t fill_Data); void ssd1306_char_f6x8(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char ch[]); //void ssd1306_char_f8x16(uint8_t x, uint8_t y,const char ch[]); //void ssd1306_char_f16x16(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint8_t N); void ssd1306_draw_bmp(uint8_t x0, uint8_t y0, uint8_t x1, uint8_t y1, uint8_t bitmap[]); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif void ssd1306_init(void){ DDRB |= (1 << SSD1306_SDA); // Set port as output DDRB |= (1 << SSD1306_SCL); // Set port as output ssd1306_send_command(0xAE); // display off ssd1306_send_command(0x00); // Set Memory Addressing Mode ssd1306_send_command(0x10); // 00,Horizontal Addressing Mode;01,Vertical Addressing Mode;10,Page Addressing Mode (RESET);11,Invalid ssd1306_send_command(0x40); // Set Page Start Address for Page Addressing Mode,0-7 ssd1306_send_command(0x81); // Set COM Output Scan Direction ssd1306_send_command(0xCF); // ---set low column address ssd1306_send_command(0xA1); // ---set high column address ssd1306_send_command(0xC8); // --set start line address ssd1306_send_command(0xA6); // --set contrast control register ssd1306_send_command(0xA8); ssd1306_send_command(0x3F); // --set segment re-map 0 to 127 ssd1306_send_command(0xD3); // --set normal display ssd1306_send_command(0x00); // --set multiplex ratio(1 to 64) ssd1306_send_command(0xD5); // ssd1306_send_command(0x80); // 0xa4,Output follows RAM content;0xa5,Output ignores RAM content ssd1306_send_command(0xD9); // -set display offset ssd1306_send_command(0xF1); // -not offset ssd1306_send_command(0xDA); // --set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency ssd1306_send_command(0x12); // --set divide ratio ssd1306_send_command(0xDB); // --set pre-charge period ssd1306_send_command(0x40); // ssd1306_send_command(0x20); // --set com pins hardware configuration ssd1306_send_command(0x02); ssd1306_send_command(0x8D); // --set vcomh ssd1306_send_command(0x14); // 0x20,0.77xVcc ssd1306_send_command(0xA4); // --set DC-DC enable ssd1306_send_command(0xA6); // ssd1306_send_command(0xAF); // --turn on oled panel } void ssd1306_xfer_start(void){ DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to HIGH DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to HIGH DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to LOW DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to LOW } void ssd1306_xfer_stop(void){ DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to LOW DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to LOW DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); // Set to HIGH DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); // Set to HIGH } void ssd1306_send_byte(uint8_t byte){ uint8_t i; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { if((byte << i) & 0x80) DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); else DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); } DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); } void ssd1306_send_command(uint8_t command){ ssd1306_xfer_start(); ssd1306_send_byte(SSD1306_SA); // Slave address, SA0=0 ssd1306_send_byte(0x00); // write command ssd1306_send_byte(command); ssd1306_xfer_stop(); } void ssd1306_send_data_start(void){ ssd1306_xfer_start(); ssd1306_send_byte(SSD1306_SA); ssd1306_send_byte(0x40); //write data } void ssd1306_send_data_stop(void){ ssd1306_xfer_stop(); } void ssd1306_setpos(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) { ssd1306_xfer_start(); ssd1306_send_byte(SSD1306_SA); //Slave address,SA0=0 ssd1306_send_byte(0x00); //write command ssd1306_send_byte(0xb0+y); ssd1306_send_byte(((x&0xf0)>>4)|0x10); // |0x10 ssd1306_send_byte((x&0x0f)|0x01); // |0x01 ssd1306_xfer_stop(); } void ssd1306_fillscreen(uint8_t fill_Data){ uint8_t m,n; for(m=0;m<8;m++) { ssd1306_send_command(0xb0+m); //page0-page1 ssd1306_send_command(0x00); //low column start address ssd1306_send_command(0x10); //high column start address ssd1306_send_data_start(); for(n=0;n<128;n++) { ssd1306_send_byte(fill_Data); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); } } void ssd1306_clearscreen(){ for(byte m=0;m<8;m++){ ssd1306_send_command(0xb0+m); //page0-page1 ssd1306_send_command(0x00); //low column start address ssd1306_send_command(0x10); //high column start address ssd1306_send_data_start(); for(byte n=0;n<128;n++){ DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SDA); DIGITAL_WRITE_HIGH(SSD1306_SCL); DIGITAL_WRITE_LOW(SSD1306_SCL); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); } } void ssd1306_char_f6x8(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, const char ch[]){ uint8_t c,i,j=0; while(ch[j] != '\0') { c = ch[j] - 32; if(x>126) { x=0; y++; } ssd1306_setpos(x,y); ssd1306_send_data_start(); for(i=0;i<6;i++) { ssd1306_send_byte(pgm_read_byte(&ssd1306xled_font6x8[c*6+i])); } ssd1306_send_data_stop(); x += 6; j++; } } // Routines to set and clear bits (used in the sleep code) #ifndef cbi #define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit)) #endif #ifndef sbi #define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit)) #endif void system_sleep() { ssd1306_fillscreen(0x00); ssd1306_send_command(0xAE); cbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter OFF set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // sleep mode is set here sleep_enable(); sleep_mode(); // System actually sleeps here sleep_disable(); // System continues execution here when watchdog timed out sbi(ADCSRA,ADEN); // switch Analog to Digitalconverter ON ssd1306_send_command(0xAF);0 }
Fantastic project, but i can’t compile this program:
Arduino:1.6.9 (Windows 7), Płytka:”Digispark (Default – 16.5mhz)”
Opcje projektu zmienione, przeładuj całość
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Arduino\sketch_jan17b\sketch_jan17b.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
sketch_jan17b:59: error: ‘ssd1306_init’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:60: error: ‘ssd1306_fillscreen’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:61: error: ‘ssd1306_char_f6x8’ was not declared in this scope
ssd1306_char_f6x8(16, 4, “U F O E S C A P E”);
sketch_jan17b:156: error: ‘ssd1306_setpos’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:157: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_start’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:165: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:173: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:185: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:191: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:196: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_stop’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:206: error: ‘ssd1306_setpos’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:207: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_start’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:209: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:229: error: 'ssd1306_send_byte' was not declared in this scope
ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))<>8-playerOffset%8);
sketch_jan17b:263: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
ssd1306_send_byte((B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255))>>8-playerOffset%8);
sketch_jan17b:274: error: ‘ssd1306_setpos’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:275: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_start’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:277: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan17b:297: error: ‘ssd1306_send_byte’ was not declared in this scope
ssd1306_send_byte(B00001100&flameMask[flames] | random(0,255));
sketch_jan17b:306: error: ‘ssd1306_send_data_stop’ was not declared in this scope
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Arduino\sketch_jan17b\sketch_jan17b.ino: In function ‘void resetGame()’:
sketch_jan17b:336: error: ‘ssd1306_char_f6x8’ was not declared in this scope
ssd1306_char_f6x8(16, 4, “U F O E S C A P E”);
C:\Users\Adam\Documents\Arduino\sketch_jan17b\sketch_jan17b.ino: In function ‘void system_sleep()’:
sketch_jan17b:592: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
exit status 1
‘ssd1306_init’ was not declared in this scope
Hi Adam, this will not work on boards other than attiny85, if you are using digispark you will need to modify the code accordingly. You will also need to install the OLED control libraries. Hope this helps.
exit status 1
expected ‘;’ before ‘}’ token
I get this error when compiling the code, anyone help?
Grab the latest sketch from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B3bO_ZNaxxnlUlhkVmdRb1MwT2M?usp=sharing